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Easy Ways To Reduce Commercial Waste

Modern businesses, even smaller ones, typically waste a lot of resources. Whether they're wasting paper, plastic, or even just simple energy, waste is a big problem. For one thing, it has a negative environmental effect. Not only is that bad for the planet, but it can also be bad for your image, especially in an age where people are demanding every person and every organization to be socially conscious and responsible. For another, wasting resources costs you money, money that could be invested in making your organization more successful.

The good news is that there are steps you can take to reduce commercial waste. Hiring a company that specializes in reducing and collecting corporate waste is a great first step. Additionally, however, you can and should take matters into your own hands by following a few simple tips.

Conduct An Honest Assessment

The first step in reducing corporate waste is understanding how big of a problem you have in this area. Businesses that specialize in corporate waste reduction will actually come out and perform an audit to help you discover just how much waste you're producing. This can be extremely helpful, not to mention eye-opening.

As you assess the waste you produce, don't just look at what is generated by your own organization. Also, consider the other organizations you do business with. Are they sending you plastic and packaging you just throw away? By contemplating the big picture of your waste expenditure, you'll have a better idea of the steps you need to take in order to make a real change.

Start With Paper

Once you understand the magnitude of your waste, you're ready to start effecting positive change.

For many businesses, starting with paper waste, which tends to be among the most prominent, is a good idea. Consider enforcing printing limits for employees, urging employees to print double-sided when possible, and reducing the use of paper plates, cups, folders, and other items commonly found in a working environment.

Just reducing paper waste can have a big impact, especially if you take other steps to limit waste as well.

Recycle When Possible

In addition to striving to reduce paper waste and other common forms of waste, focus on recycling. That way, the waste you do inevitably create can go on to be much more than just trash.

Place recycling bins in the work environment and consider offering incentives to get workers to recycle. And if you choose to work with a waste management or garbage removal company, which you should, choose one that recycles items whenever possible.

Producing waste is a part of doing business and of just living in this world. However, with the right help and some real effort on your part, you can reduce the size of your organization's work footprint. Starting with these tips is a great idea and is sure to lead to other inventive ways to reduce corporate waste and make a difference.

Contact a corporate waste management service like Corporate Waste Solutions LLC to learn more.
