Keeping It Clean: A Garbage Removal Blog

3 Tips For Getting Rid Of Cardboard

Whether you have just completed a move or you have an affinity for online shopping, cardboard boxes can start to take up too much space in your home. Many people think that tossing their old cardboard boxes into the garbage can is a good idea.

Unfortunately, cardboard can release a potentially toxic gas known as methane as it starts to decompose. Instead of allowing your cardboard to end up in a landfill, use these tips to dispose of old boxes properly.

1. Assess the Condition of the Cardboard

The first thing you need to do when deciding how to dispose of your cardboard is assess the overall condition of each box. You want to check for chemical stains, food particles, and other debris that might soil the surface of the cardboard.

Dirty boxes should be separated from clean ones and placed in their own pile for proper removal. Once you have determined which cardboard boxes are clean and which are dirty, the disposal process can begin.

2. Transform Cardboard to Compost

One way to dispose of old cardboard is to use it in your compost pile. The trick to successfully composting cardboard is to break each box into small pieces.

You can compost corrugated cardboard, flat cardboard, and even some types of wax-coated cardboard. The composting process is a great option for any soiled cardboard you have on your property. The soiled surface will not interfere with the natural breakdown of the cardboard. Once your old boxes have been fully composted, you can use the compost mixture to help fertilize your home's garden or landscape.

3. Recycle Your Cardboard

All of your cardboard boxes that are clean and dry can be recycled. This allows your junk to be transformed into new cardboard products that can provide value. It can be beneficial to work with a professional junk removal company when you are trying to recycle your cardboard. Recycling facilities must have access to the right equipment in order to successfully complete the cardboard recycling process.

Junk removal companies understand the differences between cardboard types and know which types will be accepted by which recycling facilities. You can call on a junk removal company to pick up your unwanted boxes and transport them to the right recycling facility.

If cardboard boxes are taking up too much room on your property, work with a junk removal company. Any remaining cardboard can be added to your compost pile for safe disposal.
